We are Emilio, Adrián García, Alejandro Bea, Guillermo and Alejandro Ologaray, we are going to tell you what we have been doing today.We got up in the Polster colony at 8 o´clock, we went to have our breakfast. After that some of us put suncream on us. We went with to Valdelinares, there we went to take the equipment, we have a little bit of time of sky before lessons. Then we met out teachers by the equipment rent, and we started the lesson. After it, we had free sky and later we ate our lunch (we liked it). We had more free time to sky, we came to Alcalá and we went to Rubielos de Mora where we played a funny game. After that we had dinner and…. We performed our shows and…. We danced and we had fun. Now we are going to bed and although Daniel and Nicholas do not let us to speak we are going to do it.
Nosotros somos:Emilio, Alejandro Bea, Guillermo Casinos, Alejandro Ologaray. Os vamos a explicar que hemos hecho hoy. Nos hemos levantado en la Colonia Polster a las 8 en punto, y hemos desayunado. Después, nos hemos puesto crema solar. Hemos ido a Valdelinares, hemos cogido el material y hemos esquiado primero en las clases y luego algo de tiempo libre. Hemos comido (nos ha gustado la comida) y hemos vuelto a la colonia para irnos a Rubielos de Mora donde hemos hecho un juego divertido. Después….. el show…. Y hemos bailado y cantado. Ahora vamos a la cama y a dormir y a hablar un rato aunque Daniel and Nicholas no nos dejan.